Beshear’s statement on House leadership races

I’m a little late to post this, but here’s the complete statement from Gov. Steve Beshear on Tuesday’s House leadership races – 

“I want to congratulate Rep. Stumbo on his election as speaker along with the leadership team selected this evening. It is a strong affirmation of his leadership and longstanding commitment to helping move Kentucky forward on critical issues, ranging from education and the environment to health care. I also want to congratulate Speaker Richards and thank him for his many years of leadership and service. I look forward to continuing our important work together in the months and years ahead. Now, we have a great deal of work to do and a short period of time in which to do it. To that end, I hope to arrange a time, as soon as possible, to discuss with Rep. Stumbo and Sen. Williams how best to move forward on the current budget shortfall. I am confident that, working together, we can craft a bipartisan solution to the challenge before us. I am excited about the opportunity to work with the House and Senate leadership as we confront, together, the critical issues confronting Kentucky.”

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